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Sara-Grace Lien

I am a self-motivated student who has established a good track record in perseverance and good work.  Educated in Havergal College and having been to several summer school overseas in America, I have established a wide range of skills and have connected with many people. With a combined skill set of leadership, sports, and good work ethic, I have good exposure to a diverse cultural and business environment. I sincerely work towards win-win solutions and work with my teammates and colleagues with sensitivity and an eagerness to learn and excel. I am a loyal student, who constantly have all the party's interest at heart. My critical strengths are resourcefulness, leadership,  kindness. My key achievements are attaining the enrichment award in G9 NYAA, along with the bronze award for NYAA (currently working on attaining the silver award), and won silver for a playing 2 piano pieces and was invited to perform at the Hong Kong Arts Centre.

(NYAA is a Singaporean version of Duke Of Edinburgh)


My Bio

Birthday: 01.01.03

Nationality: Singapore | Canadian

Family Background: My dad is a Vietnamese refugee that escaped to Canada and my mum is a Chinese born and raised in Singapore

Favorite foods: Dumpling, watermelon, bagels, banana milk, green tea, and any Chinese foods

Least favorite foods: ketchup, shrimp 

Favorite color: Blue

The first artist I ever liked: Michael Jackson

First song I remember jamming to: Beat it by Michael Jackson

My favorite season is Fall 

I like the weather when it is windy. 

My favorite holiday is Christmas and New Year's Day 

My favorite animals are Pandas

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